"I have set the Lord continually before me; because He is at my right hand, I shall not be moved." - Psalm 16:8

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Mark Samudre...

See, my roommate Mark thinks he has us all figured out. He thinks he has got all our routines and personalities pinned in the corner; let's talk about him for a second...

First off, he is sitting right across from me right now... just fyi

Mark has an interesting morning routine. He usually wakes up pretty early, probably around 4 or 5 in the morning. He starts his day off by getting on facebook, exploiting the fact that others are asleep by posting carelessly on others walls and statuses. As 7 or 8 in the morning rolls around, he searches for his first victim that has awaken. He will first run into Jon. Jon, always sporting his lovely khaki pants, will generally entertain Mark for a good ten minutes by satisfying Mark's search for conversation and general acceptance. Once Jon goes back into his room to do whatever he does, Mark, now bored, moves to his next victim (usually me). Mark will usually find me attempting to innocently go about my morning routine, this is not satisfying to Mark. He will then proceed to mock my every move in a feeble attempt to make small talk throughout the morning. He has this theory that I am always going to the dryer in the morning, however, he fails to realize that puts him in the exact same position also every morning (usually on Facebook looking for his victims). Winding down to when the bus comes, Mark will proceed to yell and scream at me until I adjust my plans for his comfort. This usually involves him trying to get me on a bus 15 minutes earlier than I had planned on when I woke up.

Mark, apparently, also thinks he can carelessly throw pepper shakers at others with continual disregard for their safety and general well being...

When it comes down to it, it is us (his roommates) that really have him figured out, not the other way around.

All of that may or may not of been completely true, you be the judge. But we love Mark...



  1. hahaha. matt, i must say that you know me quite well. but i wish you would have mentioned how i usually eat cereal while using your toilet as a seat and talk to you as you are putting in your contacts, brushing your teeth, etc.

  2. perfect... and i can't imagine trying to get ready with an indian sitting on the toilet watching my every move. props to you matt for not locking him on the balcony yet.
